Indulge me for a moment and let us have a discussion about blog comments. I have had this blog for over a year now and genuinely get excited when I get an email alert that I have a new comment on one of my posts. I am all for everyone expressing themselves and some may not agree with what I have to say or what I post, that is just fine. However, what I do have a problem with are comments that borderline on rude just for the sake of leaving a comment. I am not necessarily a law abiding citizen of the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" rule, however, I do feel that constructively disagreeing with someone or something is just fine. When if comes to design everyone is different, we all have different tastes, likes and dislikes, which is what keeps things interesting. I don't expect everyone to always like what I do or the work I produce, maybe it isn't for everyone, I am willing to accept that. What I am not willing to except are those who leave rude or inappropriate comments and hide behind a tag of "Anonymous." If you have something to say, say it and don't be ashamed of it. If you are, then chances are you should not be saying it in the first place.
So...Dear Anonymous, I am sorry to hear you do not like the project I completed for Armstrong Atlantic State University (
click here), luckily you were not my client (or were you?) While I can respect your comment, I find it interesting that to leave such a comment you are hiding behind anonymity. Best of luck with your passive aggressive form of behavior in the future!
Not liking something and being able to express it without hurting feelings is nearly impossible. Expressing anything in writing can be tough.
Except for the genuinely crabby person it's a beginner mistake: After a while you get into the "if you can't say something nice..." mode. So blog comments aren't very helpful and it's obvious that most commenters don't read other comments.
I disagree with my friend Terry, it is not a beginner mistake. i wouldn't walk up to a total stranger and announce i didn't like their project then walk off sans explanation. if i did, i would be considered rude...or autistic. same thing for a blog. be polite. Niki, just take the snark as a compliment, clearly you are doing work so wonderful someone felt a tinge jealous.
Thank you Claire, I didn't think I was alone in my thinking. I am not really upset about it, but it did ruffle my featheres a bit because I just feel like it's bad manners. Design is personal, and subjective and I don't expect everyone to like everything I produce and I respect that. However, in my opinion, good manners are not subjective.
Scrumptious, I couldn't agree more. I loved your design and had I not you and I would probably have discussed it privately over cocktails. Apropos, cocktails, isn't it time?
Scrumptious, I couldn't agree more. I loved your design and had I not you and I would probably have discussed it privately over cocktails. Apropos, cocktails, isn't it time?
We're not disagreeing very much. Who wants rude and nasty? But on the mostly polite design blogs you are unlikely to get even the mildest honest criticism. At the extreme I know 4 expensively designed places in Atlanta that are migraine triggers for me, places that literally make me sick. I wouldn't dare tell anyone. Well I did tell one. They didn't believe me.
It is ABSOLUTELY time for cocktails! I am certainly more open to criticizing my work after a vodka or two.
As a designer in Atlanta, I am inspired by many different styles and designs. Yours, mine and theirs, too! Who in this business loves everything they see? Variety is the spice of life. I Love your blog and your work. Play nice people ;)
Great blog I enjoyeed reading
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