Saturday, May 23, 2009

Photo Shoots...

I have said many times that photo shoots are one of my favorite things to do, for sure it is my favorite part of a project. But there is a lot that goes into them in order to get a set of great photos. On my end it means shopping trips to the florist, grocery store, and various other places for props. A million trips back and forth from the car carrying everything I just bought. And lots of coffee or some other caffeinated beverage. That's just the styling end, the photographer has a whole different list of things they have to do to prepare. Anyway, I thought I would give you a little behind the scenes look at what goes on at a photo shoot! You will be able to see the end result in Trends Ideas Magazine: Kitchens sometime late this Summer!

Typical set up, camera, lights, laptop...

Really cool camera, I have no idea what kind it is but I am sure it cost more then my life...

Mark and the crew reviewing shots

Lots of lights, wires and trip hazards for people like me!

Various vases, plants, props, and random stuff from all over.

Hi Mark!

This is Chauncy, he likes to play!

Mark trying to get Chauncy to move out of the shot...


Blue said...

Darling, this is a fabulous post but where are you? Love the photo of Mark and Chauncy - that poor dog!

Niki P. said...

I was taking the snapshots! Chauncy is so super cute, he kept getting in the shots and totally posing but the magazine we were shooting for doesn't like animals in the shots, so he had to be relocated.